The group, which has been organising local and cross-Wales opposition to the incinerator planned for Trident Park, Splott, Cardiff for over a year, will target Cardiff Council leader Rodney Berman and Finance and Service Delivery cabinet member Mark Stephens, both of whom represent Plasnewydd, Roath in the Council. Berman and Stephens, along with other leading members of Cardiff Council, have been driving forces behind Cardiff's incinerator project since 2005.
Since August, Cardiff Against The Incinerator have been circulating a pledge to all political parties calling on them to:
1. Oppose the construction and operation of waste incinerators in south Wales, including the proposal for an incinerator at Trident Park, Cardiff.
2. Advocate policies for cleaner, safer and environmentally-sustainable waste solutions that comply with the principles outlined in Planning Policy Wales.
3. Demand the inclusion of representatives from local communities in planning decisions affecting those communities, and for a public consultation process that is more inclusive of ordinary residents of those communities, with support for legislation as necessary to make this happen.
4. Support full democratic and public control over all waste and energy projects in receipt of public money, in place of failed and wasteful approaches based on the Private Finance Initiative and similar schemes.
5. Promote the role of democratic and accountable local government in creating environmentally friendly 'green' jobs'.
Cardiff Against the Incinerator secretary Edmund Schluessel commented on the decision to stand, which was taken after a two-hour open debate by campaign members. "In Merthyr Tydfil and Newport, public opposition to incinerators was galvanised by entire groups in the local councils pledging to support community campaigns. In Cardiff, despite our entreaties, this hasn't happened. We're open to discussions with any party or any independent who wants our endorsement. Here in Roath, just a mile from the planned incinerator, for now it's ordinary people versus the leader of the Council."
The campaign is also examining the possibility of standing candidates in other wards of the city, and intends to coordinate hustings events to make candidates take a clear position on the incinerator.
"Politicians always try to play both sides", noted Schluessel. "The incinerator, if operated the way Cardiff Council want, will be polluting central and south Cardiff for a quarter-century to come. People deserve to know what they're getting before they vote. Viridor Waste Management say they plan to begin construction in four months -- it's time for elected leaders to lead or get out of the way."
You are welcome to join CATI every
Monday Night at 7pm in the Old Illts Sport & Social Club, Splott Bridge, Splott
Contact Cardiff Against the Incinerator
telephone: 07947 214169 or 07817 513610
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