Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Guide on the new ‘consultation’

Cardiff Against the Incinerator
Guide on the new ‘consultation’
Dear Friend,
CATI and our lawyers have found formal errors in the new 'consultation'; as we wait for the Council to correct them, the 26th December deadline for responses is invalid. But we'd like our supporters to write/e-mail back short responses, using points below.
Most important is that the Council conceded in response to our lawyers' deadline, that 'enforcement' to stop Viridor is on the Agenda for the 9th January Planning C'ttee Meeting.
We have to pay for our lawyers so far and expect they'll have to take legal action after 9th January. They set us to raise £3000 (not as much as other groups).  CATI would be most grateful for donations, as below, and will need to fundraise further in the New Year
Points to make in responding
1. welcome the prospect of the Council taking enforcement action to halt Viridor's unlawful building works
2. note that Viridor's 23rd Nov. responses do not address all the issues raised by the consultants Atkins (on the paper file but not the e-file), particularly that potentially hazardous bottom ash could not be processed as the planning consent requires, and that health hazards of fugitive dust from processing/handling the bottom ash have not been assessed.
3. note the site is in a flood-risk zone (B - low risk) and Viridor accepts there's a risk of storm flooding, contrary to the officers' report that flooding is not an issue.
4. point out possible impact on the Severn Estuary resulting from accidental discharges has not been assessed,despite legal requirements, including flooding of the incinerator site
5. point out the Council's letter to Viridor (2nd November, wrongly omitted from the e-file) said the Council would require responses based on the Atkins analysis, but responses on hazardous bottom ash and dust blown from this ash are not available
6. say the Council should formally write to Viridor demanding full responses and defer determination of the Subsequent Applications. 

Responses to Cardiff Council, Development Manager, City Hall CF10 3ND].
E-responses to; view documents on-line (no easy read!) at ref. 10/00149/E, Trident Park.

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